I picked up this book on Tuesday. I was killing time waiting for a meeting and walked into a bookstore. I was tempted to buy another book by Brian McLaren when I saw this. I picked it up for a few reasons. One is that I like the topic. The author is a Vineyard pastor and I have read a book he co-authored called empower evangelicals years ago.
But mainly, I picked it up because the content resonates with me. That's how I chose books to read anyway. I have only read the first chapter and bits of the second, but am enjoying it so far. The first page of the first chapter pretty much describes how I currently feel about much of our Malaysian evangelical Christianity (though things are changing a little). Here is the part that resonated with me most:
"If my fascination with Jesus began now instead of years ago, I wonder what I would do with it.......I'll be repelled by the witches brew of politics, cultural conflict, moral ism and religious meanness that seem so closely connected with those who count themselves as the special friends of Jesus."
"I would be deterred by the impression that the more people organized their lives around Jesus, the more likely they are to become defensive, prickly, and dogmatic about their beliefs. I'd have to stuff my questions, curb my curiosity and be willing to get on with the programme"
The book's sub title is that "He wants his religion back...so it can be for the world again". Its basically about how to get back to the core of following Jesus, to the way of living as Jesus modelled and not get caught up in processes, programmes and jumping through hoops to participate.
In a few conversations we have had in the past week, I have realised how much we as a church have changed. How different we are. Not perfect....no where near it. But how much we have dismantled the legalistic, process oriented culture. But now must come the path of learning to live in the freedom of Christ and from the heart.
The change is there, but I must come to terms with where I am personally. That while change has taken place, I am still unsatisfied with the degree of change. I want more, deeper, more heart level change. But I trust that God will lead us through this. And come through with a renewed freedom in Christ, and a renewed heart to follow Jesus afresh.
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