Monday, August 11, 2008

Saying goodbye

Yesterday the church organized a farewell for our family. It was a very nice gesture from them. I am especially glad that it was our friends who were such a big part of it.

I confess that when one of the elders initially told me about it, I reacted very negatively. It was a totally irrational reaction. I just did not want to have anything to do with it. It was only on saturday night, while chatting with my wife and some friends when I realised why I was feeling so antagonistic towards the farewell. Its the fact that the church council operates on a control mode a lot. The overiding thing is to control through keeping up a good appearance of things, even when the fact is things are not nice. And I felt that this farewell occasion was another way of controlling and making things appear nice and I was not going to be a part of it.

But I relented when I found out that there was a group of people who wanted to do it because they cared and they were our friends. I just focused on this and I really enjoyed the time together. Especially the games after lunch.

The hard part was seeing my daughter break into tears when they showed a video of people wishing us goodbye. It hit me hard as well. I realise how much I am going to miss all of them. These are my friends. They have been for the past 20 years. I will miss them all dearly.

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