Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The "in between" time

I am now in the in between time. Between leaving church employment and getting back to the business world. Between being in Malaysia and in Australia. Its a strange place to be. While I am excited at the prospect of the future, I am also sad about leaving friends and family here.

Its been a real emotional roller coaster. Even the leaving church part has been hard. Wghile trying to leave well, its been hard trying to also honestly deal with the hurts and dissapointment of the last few years. On top of it all, I also feel a little as if I am so irrelevant where I am now that I cant wait to leave. And at the same time, I want the time to be able to say good bye properly. Its really confusing. I am trying to just look to God through this all and to hear what He says. In the midst of my busyness with preparing to leave, I crave a little space and quiet to just listen and reflect again. Hopefully as I do this, I will be able to centre myself on Christ again and be able to leave well.

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